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An additional field: Data Model is showing in tag definition window

I  am working on IDEA Smart Aanlyzer Routines. 
In IDEA 10-Unicode version, I am seeing an additional field (Data Model) in the tag definition window. License name is showing in the Data Model column. But it is not visible in other versions.  Do you have any idea about this behavior in IDEA 10-Unicode version?
Thanks in advance,
Rini Joy

Brian Element Wed, 03/01/2017 - 17:24

Hi Rini,

I am not sure what is happening in your version.  I don't have it on mine.  Is this for a particular app?  I am just wondering if maybe the app has some automated routines to get the information directly from a system like SAP or oracle.  If you click on it what options does it give?

Sorry I haven't seen this before so I can't help you out on this one.


mohamed Thu, 03/09/2017 - 04:01

Data Model column is showing in tagging window, if any of the imported routines is having tag name which is already existing in the tags provided by Audicon. 
Suppose my license name for Smart Analyzer SDK is XYZ.
I am adding a new tag named Purchase Order Number. It will be saved with ID as XYZ!PurchaseOrderNumber
Please note that Purchase Order Number is a tag which is avaialble in SDK by default. It's ID is PurchaseOrderNumber.
Add both default tag and newly added tag in your routine .
When this routine in imported into IDEA, it will show the additional column called Data Model in the tag definition window. For the default tag, it will show 'Financial' and for the newly added tag, it will show 'XYZ' in the Data model column. This would be added in order to distinguish owner of the tag.
Note: This information is not taken from any authentic sources. But from my research I could figure out that the Data Model column is showing because of the above reason. 

Brian Element Thu, 03/09/2017 - 07:21

In reply to by mohamed

Thanks mohamed,

That is interesting information, I hadn't realized that but so far I have been using the default tags supplied by audicon, I haven't had a need for greating my own.  I did do this with the previous version of the SDK so I assume this is new with IDEA 10 and up as I don't think it was like that in V9 but my memory could be wrong.


mohamed Fri, 03/10/2017 - 06:00

Yes Brian. This column is showing only in  IDEA 10 version. I think that is available in Unicode only.