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Run macro into IDEA from Notepad++

Hello everyone!
I am new in IDEA, but for me the IDEAScripting isn't that efficient taking about the macro editor. 
I search in this forum and realize that some people recomended to use Notepad++ to make life easier.
My question is: What is the path that I should provide to Notepad++ in order to run the macro into
the IDEA?

Brian Element Fri, 04/21/2017 - 11:00

Hi Leandro and welcome to the site.

I sometimes use Notepad ++ to write and look at code but as far as I know there isn't a way to run the script directly from Notepad++ like there is with the IDEAScript editor.  I might be meeting with some of the IDEA staff next week so I will try to remember to ask and see if there is a way.



Brian Element Wed, 04/26/2017 - 19:00

Hi Leandro,

Unfortunately you can't but I do have a work around that you can use to emulate the same thing.  

You create the script in Notepad ++, then you save it (probably before you complete it).  You take this script and from within IDEA you bind it to the ribbon:

If you have two monitors this works best.  You have notepad ++ open in one monitor and IDEA in the other.  Everytime you make a change to your script in Notepad++ you can click on the script in IDEA to run it (just like the F5 in the IDEAScripting Editor) and see if you get any syntax error or problems.  Go back to Notepad++, make the changes and try again. Not a perfect way of doing it but it is one way you can try.


leandrorezende Wed, 05/17/2017 - 07:43

It really works!!
Of course it isn't the same, but it's a good work around that will make my work faster. 
Tks again Brian.