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Encoding Script

Dear All,I have a script that I’m going to send it to my colleague so, I’d like to secure this script to allowed him to only execute the script without modifying  or reading the contents 

Brian Element Wed, 09/20/2017 - 06:46

Hi Ahmed and welcome to the site.

You can do this by compiling the script.  From within the script editor select save as and then select compiled files:

You can then share your file and the user can't make any changes to it.  Make sure you save a copy as an iss file or else you will loose your code.


Ahmed Wed, 09/20/2017 - 08:48

Hi Brian,
this way work correctly by changing from .iss to .ise, so for the reciever how is't possible for him to open it ? and i try to myself and it's impossible
can you help me ?
Thank you.

Brian Element Wed, 09/20/2017 - 09:06

In reply to by Ahmed

Hi Ahmed,

You can't just change the iss to an ise you have to save it as an ise.  You would then open IDEA, select Macros and Run and then select the file.  It should run fine but you can't open it with the IDEAScript editor.

Hope that helps out.
