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Scripts to Run Various Functions

Hello, we are currently utilizing IDEA 10. We run various functions for client data on things such as disbursements, A/R, and General Ledgers. These usually come in a variety of formats, which we import and write the various functions for. Is there a way to write a script to automate this process, much like the smart apps (which aren't currently an option for us).
For example, when I receive a file from a client detailing their Cash Disbursements, I will import the file, then run gap detection, benford's law (including a formula to calculate the Actual and Upper Columns) and then also write/extract Round Sums, Certain Dates, etc. Is there a way to program these into IDEA for common headers and then run it each time I import a file?

Brian Element Fri, 12/08/2017 - 05:48

Hello mstahm and welcome to the site.

Actually Smart Apps are just IDEAScripts with a few more functions around them.  So the answer is a definite yes, you should be able to automate all of this.  I wrote a blog post for CaseWare Analytics a few months ago that you might want to read and then we can talk about more specifics in your case.…

