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Function Soundlike

Pleas I need Help on one equation on Idea and this is my problem :
I got two files having column of the person’s name and I want to check with the function @SoundsLike the existing and no existing name on each file
How can I do this pleas

Brian Element Thu, 01/11/2018 - 11:12

HI hamid and welcome to the site.

The function @SoundsLike works in the equation editor which means it can only work on record at the time.  From what you are saying you want to compare names between two files.  Which version of IDEA are you running?  If you have 10.1 (I think) or higher I can show you how to do this.  If you have version 10 can you check under Duplicate Key if you have an option for Fuzzy, if you do you are luck.

Let me know.



hamid Sun, 01/14/2018 - 03:26

Hello Brian,
Thank you for your response,
my Idea softare version is (X86 ) 
thanks in advance

Brian Element Sun, 01/14/2018 - 07:03

Hi Hamid,

I just remembered that CaseWare created a video on how to do this.

What you do is you rename the fields you are looking for duplicates in to the same name and then you append the files together and do the fuzzy matching.

Let me know if it works for you.

