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Project overview and history

This is my first post -I have looked around on the internet for some idea solutions and came across this website, which really is quite helpful!
I was wondering whether you could help.  With v9  the project overview is saved as an .sdf File.  is there a way to read in the sdf file into idea at all, or alternatively (or additionally) is it possible to create an idea script to run through and extract the history from all databases in the current project instead? 
The reason  for this, is to pull out the history of all databases for my records and to review Offline. I have numerous seperate databases and  it takes a long time to manually export the history seperately for each database.
Many thanks

Brian Element Wed, 09/10/2014 - 07:32

Hi Danielle and welcome to the site.

That is a good question and unfortunately I don't have a reliable answer for you.  I do know that unfortunately IDEAScript does not have (or I have never been able to find them) any functions to read the history entries for IDEA files.  It does have the functionality to add history entries to an IDEA file.

For the project overview I haven't experimented with it but after doing a bit of research it might be possible to use the project overview for what you need (no guarantees).  From what I can find out an .sdf file is the extension for a SQL Server Compact file so it may be possible to read it or use script to get at the contents.  I found some information on Wikipedia about what programs can be used to read it.  Unfortunately I don't have time right now to see about accessing this file but I will put it on my todo list and if you find a way to read it I would apprecaite you posting.  Maybe some of the other members have tried reading it and can give some advice.


Brian Element Wed, 06/22/2016 - 07:41

Hi Danielle,

I know this is an old post but I recently had some time to play around with this and I figured out how to interface with the project overview for V9 and V10 as they both use the same structure.  V8 used ms access database so it doesn't work exactly the same.  Are you still looking for something?


srihaliostar Tue, 08/16/2016 - 08:05

Hi Brian,
Hope you are doing good. I was looking for a way to write a script to get the history of all the databases in the project and end up reading this post. I would be interested to know how to interface with project overview and fetch the history details.

Brian Element Tue, 08/16/2016 - 08:29

In reply to by srihaliostar

Hi Sridhar,

I can put something together for you and post it.  Which version of IDEA are you on?  If you are still using V8 you can view the project overview through MS Access as it is an Access database.  For V9 and up they moved it over to a compact SQL database, I had to download an app to read it, I will post what I use when I get home tonight as I can't remember.

So check back later and hopefully I will have something for you.


scotchy33 Mon, 02/05/2018 - 14:03

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian,
Did you ever create a script to access Idea History?