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Concatenate to a single record

Goodmorning my fellow IDEA users, 
I'm having a relatively simple problem (i think) but it is driving me crazy: 
I'm trying figure out if it is possible to refer to a single record in the Equation Editor like it is possible in Excel with prefix $ in a cell?
Thanks in advance   

Brian Element Thu, 02/08/2018 - 07:09

Hi Dina and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately it isn't possible to do that in the equation editor.  You can only refer to the information in that record or with the @GetNext or @GetPrevious you can get information for the adjoining records.  For something like this you would have to hard code it.  Now you can do something like this using IDEAScript as their are functions in the scripting language to read a particular cell and then insert that value into an equation.


Dino Thu, 02/08/2018 - 09:09

Hi Brain, Thanks for the quick reply.
I will look into IDEAScripting for a possible solution  