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correct Syntax of Input

I came across an inconsistency in the scripting Doku of IDEA 8.5 (in german)
a) Objectcatalog : Input[$](Chars As Long, #FileNum As Integer )
b) Tooltip : Input(By Val Number as Integer, By Val FileNumber as Integer) As String
I get the error message:
'Error in Line 41 -  Overflow
Line 41 >> Contents2 = Input(Lange2, Filenum)
and Lange2 is 65534. Which is indeed an Overflow if it should be an Integer. (somehow already also indicated by the Definition of the Seek function (Position as Integer)
The question ist then for me : how can I access portions of a text file which are beyond that point. I try to read-in text portion, then process then with iReplace and write them again into another txt-file.

Brian Element Fri, 01/24/2014 - 08:09

Well I think the input should be long and not an integer.  Integer is only good to about 32,000.  So I think for b) it should be:

Input(By Val Number as Long, By Val FileNumber as Integer) As String

So in this instance Lange2 would be long and you won't get the overflow error.  I will test it out his weekend and get back to you.

Brian Element Sat, 01/25/2014 - 13:58
Here are two examples. I created a text file of about 184,000 records. In the first example I import it into a database and reverse each record. In the second example I import the same file and export it to a new text file while reversing each record. The names are hardcoded so if you try the example you will need to place the text file in your project folder.
'* Script:	Import to database.iss
'* Author:	Brian Element -
'* Date:	Jan 25, 2014
'* Purpose:	Example script to show how to input from a text file and placing in a database
Option Explicit
Dim sDatabase As String

Sub Main
	Call createDatabase() 'Create a new database to import files to
	Call addRecords()
	MsgBox "Script complete"
End Sub

Function createDatabase()
	Dim db As database
	Dim oNewTable As Table
	Dim oMyField As Field
	sDatabase = Client.UniqueFileName("test")
	Set oNewTable = Client.NewTableDef
	Set oMyField = oNewTable.NewField
	oMyField.Name = "test"
	oMyField.Description = "Test field to store text data"
	oMyField.Type = WI_CHAR_FIELD
	oMyField.Length = 15
	oMyField.Equation = " """" "
	oNewTable.AppendField oMyField
	Set db = Client.NewDatabase(sDatabase, "", oNewTable)
End Function

Function addRecords()
	Dim iFilenum As Integer
	Dim sContents As String
	Dim newDB As database
	Dim newRS As RecordSet
	Dim newRec As Record
	Dim newTable As TableDef
	Set newDB = Client.OpenDatabase(sDatabase)
	Set newRS = newDB.RecordSet
	Set newRec = newRS.NewRecord
	Set newTable = newDB.TableDef
	newTable.Protect = False
	'Optain a new file number
	iFilenum = FreeFile
	Open "test.txt" For Input As iFilenum
	Do While Not EOF(iFilenum)
		Line Input #iFilenum, sContents
		'MsgBox iReverse(sContents)
		newRec.SetCharValue "TEST", sContents
		newRs.AppendRecord newRec

	newTable.Protect = True
	close iFilenum
End Function

'* Script:	Save to text file.iss
'* Author:	Brian Element -
'* Date:	Jan 25, 2014
'* Purpose:	Example script to show how to input and output a file

Option Explicit
Dim sDatabase As String

Sub Main
	Call addRecords()
	MsgBox "Script complete"
End Sub

Function addRecords()
	Dim iFilenum1 As Integer
	Dim iFilenum2 As Integer
	Dim sContents As String
	'Optain a new file number
	iFilenum1 = FreeFile

	Open "test.txt" For Input As #iFilenum1
	iFilenum2 = FreeFile
	Open "test2.txt" For Output As #iFilenum2
	Do While Not EOF(iFilenum1)
		Line Input #iFilenum1, sContents
		sContents = iReverse(sContents)
		Write #iFilenum2, sContents

	Close iFilenum1
	Close iFilenum2
End Function