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Requested action information

-This image is the result of a summarization and a BOLEAN criterion.-For now, I have to manually click on the numbers in the "NO_OF_RECS" column one by one to extract.On some results, I should do the manipulation 584 450, so to say that it is not bearable.-I would like to extract all the numbers having a red cross directly. Thank you

Brian Element Thu, 05/17/2018 - 05:57

Hello ValeIT and welcome to the site.

I understand your pain and fortunately there is a much easier way to do this but you need to do it in two steps.  The first steps is to extract all the results that have an X.  You would use direct extraction and your equation would be RESULTAT = 0  - 0 indicates that it is false or an X.  You now have a file with only the items you want the transactions for.

The second step is to do a join.  Your primary file would be the original file with all the transactions, your secondary file is the file you just created and your join key for both files is the ACCOUNT field.  Your join selection is Matches Only.  This will extract all the transactions related to your Xs.

Good luck on your project and let me know if anything in my explanation is not clear.
