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Get long record value

you know if there is any way to get a value from a field that is numeric, but it is very large and you have to bring it as long.
For Example exist types of Get Value

  • ActiveRecord.GetCharValue
  • ActiveRecord.GetNumValue

But ActiveRecord.GetLongValue don't exists
My Code:
MontosValor = RS.ActiveRecord.GetCharValue("MANUALESMONTO"))
Help, Thanks

Brian Element Thu, 05/31/2018 - 06:41

Hi leanardo9203,

I see your number is large and has decimals so make sure your variable is defined as a Double and use the ActiveRecord.GetNumValue.  I am assuming that the field is numeric if not let me know and we can try something else:

Dim MontosValor as Double

This should capture the number properly.  The number is too large for long.

leonardo9203 Thu, 05/31/2018 - 09:25

hello, It worked, thank you very much, changing the variable by double and as NUM
Dim MontosValor as Double

  • ActiveRecord.GetNumValue

Thank you