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Did You Find The Hidden Character You Were Looking For using IDEA !

Hello Group Members,
There are two ways to look for any text of your choice in a Character Field. 
Let us say you would like to check for employees visiting prohibited internet websites during work hours using the Office internet. One of the Find or Search basis is to look for say any site containing the words “poker” or “gambling” in the Internet Access Log File.
You can achieve this objective by using either a Criteria through the Equation Editor or Search.
The Criteria based approach would require you to apply @isini() to look for specific words (not case sensitive) in a Character Field like @isini(“poker”, Site Name) .OR. @isini(“gambl”, Site Name). You could apply this either through Direct Extraction or Criteria under the Properties Toolbar.
The other approach would be to use Search and enter *poker* OR *gambl* in the Text go Find Box of Search and look for these wild card based search strings in the field Site Name by checking the Site Name. 
Both @isini() and Search are very effective in capturing prohibited spends, narration’s containing key strings for Anti-Bribery Checks and more.
Your search for that elusive Character/s begins with one small step in IDEA - either a Criteria or a Search.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team

Steven Luciani Thu, 10/18/2018 - 07:04

Don't forget my personal favourite for finding elusive characters @REGEXPR. Although it's not case sensitive like at @isini, that can be easily dealt with by nesting in an @lower or @upper in your equation.

I prefer this function when searching for more than one elusive string in one of more fields because you can concatenate fields with this function just as you can with @isini.

From the example above the @regexpr equation would be: @regexpr(@lower(site name),"poker|gambl")

The @lower virtually turns the site name field into all lower case characters for the purpose of executing the equation hence your search terms must be typed in all lower case. each item between the quotations marks and there can be many must be separated by a pipe (|) symbol.

Finally you can search multiple fields by editing the equation so that it concatenates the multiple fields together:  @regexpr(@lower(site name+site name1+site name2),"poker|gambl")

