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get previous record

Good evening, I'm trying to recreate a balance but it depends of some previous values, theres any way to get a value from the previous record with IDEAScript (i know there's a GetPreviousValue in the EquationEditor).
I will appreciate your help.
Thank you.

Brian Element Wed, 12/18/2013 - 17:24

Yes there is but it means reading each record one by one and can get complicated depending on what you are doing.  Depending on what it is I would try the GetPreviousValue function first before going the script route, if you do need to do it by script can you give more detail so I can help you out more.

shlomit Wed, 04/30/2014 - 04:23

Hi Brian,
I have the same problem as aamparo...
Say, I have field like this:
and I want to create a new field where records with "0" value get a previous value that not "0".
GetPreviousValue function gives me just one record above.
Is there any way to do this with IdeaScript?
Thank you.

Brian Element Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:24
Here you go, you first have to create a field but you can't use a virtual field. You then update the field you created. Let me know if it makes sense.
Option Explicit
Sub Main
	Call addField()
	Call addData2()
End Sub

Function addData2()
	Dim db As Object 
	Dim RS As Object 
	Dim table As Object 
	Dim rec As Object 
	Dim i As Long
	Dim amountfield As Variant
	Dim tempField As Variant
	' Open the database 
	Set db= Client.OpenDatabase("Field test-Sheet1.IMD")  'name of database
	' Allow the field to be editable 
	Set table= db.tableDef 
	table.GetField("TEST").Protected = FALSE 'field to make changes to

	' Get a RecordSet object for the Access database 
	Set RS= db.RecordSet 

	' Point to the first record in the database 

	' Loop through every record in the database 
	For i = 1 To RS.Count 
		Set rec = RS.ActiveRecord 

		' Move the pointer to the next record 
		amountfield = rec.GetNumValue("FIELD") 'field where the changes are coming from
		'if the first time through the loop get the temp number
		If i = 1 Then
			tempField = amountfield
		End If
		If amountfield = 0 Then
			rec.SetNumValue "TEST", tempField 
			rec.SetNumValue "TEST", amountfield 
			tempField = amountfield
		End If
		'update the changes
		RS.SaveRecord rec 

	Next i 
	' Put the protection back on the unprotected fields. 
	Set table = db.tableDef 
	table.GetField("TEST").Protected = TRUE 

	' Clear the memory 
	Set rec = Nothing 
	Set RS = Nothing 
	Set table = Nothing 
	Set db = Nothing 
	'reopen the database to see the changes
	Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("Field test-Sheet1.IMD") 
End Function

'create a field to hold the changes
Function addField()
	Dim db As database
	Dim task As task
	Dim table As table
	Dim field As field
	Dim eqn As String
	Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("Field test-Sheet1.IMD")
	Set task = db.TableManagement
	Set table = db.TableDef
	Set field = table.NewField
	eqn = "0"
	field.Name = "TEST"
	field.Description = ""
	field.Type = WI_NUM_FIELD
	field.Equation = eqn
	field.Decimals = 0
	task.AppendField field
	Set task = Nothing
	Set db = Nothing
	Set table = Nothing
	Set field = Nothing

End Function


shlomit Sun, 05/04/2014 - 02:22

Brian, thank you very much, I spend a lot of time searching for solution.
What I didn't know, it's that I can enable updating through script. It's actually gives me solution for several other scripts too.

Brian Element Sun, 05/04/2014 - 05:36

In reply to by shlomit

Glad to help, doing it this way can sometimes be frustrating as the documentation isn't the best and lots of time you have to try different things before it actually works.  Hopefully the above will help you out.

lloyd_braun Sat, 07/19/2014 - 15:48

I'm trying to read data from a IMD file using syntax similar to the above rec.getNumvalue but for a string- [rec.getStringValue("FieldName")]. Each time I do this, howver, i get the error "Object does not support this property or method." 
I have no problems reading a numeric value with the getNumValue function, but can't seem to read a string. Any thoughts?

Brian Element Sat, 07/19/2014 - 17:46

Hello Lloyd, try rec.getCharValue("FieldName") and see if that fixes the problem.


Binwel Nemangwe Sun, 10/21/2018 - 07:59

In reply to by Brian Element

Hello, I'm trying to come with two different balances after performing some computations as follows:
1. At the Beginning I have got two balances ie. Internal and external
2. The opening balance of the external balance is zero at the beginning (is to be affected by any forex movements)
3. The   Internal balance is to be affected by any local transactions movement
4.  When some1 receives forex it has to increase the forex balance and when some1 makes a a forex it has deplete the forex balance. In a scenario where some1 wants to make a forex expenditure and the forex balance is zero ...his or her account should be reduced by the expenditure figure ite -10
5.If some1 wants to make local transaction he/she uses the internal account balance, however if the internal doesnt have sufficient funds , the remainder amount should be deducted fom the external balance
my objective is to come up with a closing balance for each customer account (internal and external)
I have attached an excel file as an exmple.I will appreciate your help.

Brian Element Sun, 10/21/2018 - 08:08

In reply to by Binwel Nemangwe

Hello Binwel and welcome to the site.

Thanks for the spreadsheet.  Can you redo the spreadsheet and show me what information you have available and what output you are expecting.  I am assuming that you would also have a customer number and such for this?  Also it you could include a couple of customers that would be good, it makes it easier to understand what you are looking for.

