Gap detection when number resets
How do i run a gap detection when the number resets daily and change in sequence. For instance:
Date Check No.
1/1/14 100001
1/1/14 100002
1/1/14 100004
1/1/14 100005
1/1/14 200001
1/1/14 200003
1/1/14 200005
The detection should show 3 gaps. Each day the squence of checks restarts.
Please try creating a new
Please try creating a new field with date + check number and run gap detection on the same to take care of resetting of the check number. You need to convert date filed to string by using @Dtoc(DATE_FIELD,"YYYYMMD") and convert check number to another string value using @Str(CHECK_NUM,6,0) (if not already a string). Your formula for the new virtual field may look something like:
Looks like you would have two
Looks like you would have two choices. One you break-up the file by date or gap sequence and run the gab detection script on that or you do this through a script that would know the logic of the gaps.