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Keywords Control

Hi Brian
I may have asked already this question, I apologize if this is the case. In my old age I tend to be a bit senile. What were we talking about? Ah, keywords. Yes. Here is the problem.
Not surprisingly function is a keyword in Idea, unfortunately function is also a part of the subtotal method in excel and is responsible for the decision what are you subtotaling: sum, count, etc. luckily the default is sum and usually you can get around the problem by omitting this argument while calling the subtotal method from IDEA maco, but, you know, we guys tend to seek for a straight solution rather than  a work-around..
Thanks and have an enjoyable weekend
Avi Kerem

Brian Element Tue, 03/05/2019 - 07:40

Hi Avi,

I am not sure if I am following you.  So are you creating an Excel spreadsheet from within IDEAScript?  If so wouldn't the terms for excel me within double quotes so they wouldn't cause a problem for your IDEAScript code?  Any chance you can share some of the code that is causing you the problem.



Brian Element Mon, 03/11/2019 - 09:36

Hi Avi,

Same problem, are you using the Unicode version?  I am on ASCII and that might be the problem.  If so maybe try to copy the script file to something like Notepad++ and save it as a text file.  That might get around the problem.
