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Put IDEA scripts together

Hi everybody,
i want to put several IDEA scripts together,  that at the end only with one click i can run all those IDEA scripts. But unfortunately it doesn't work in that way i am trying it:
Sub StartMyScript()
Call FCH()
Call FGL()
End Sub
I receive at the second rwo the error message " Sub or Function have been not defined: FCH"
Do you know, if there is another way to do that resp. how can i solve it?
Thanks and regardd, FMLA

FMLA Thu, 04/25/2019 - 03:57

In reply to by Brian Element

Dear Brian,
Thanks for your response.
Yes, i have firts tried the way described under that post, but it doesn't work as well.  I have attached the scripts.
Many thanks for your support.
Kind regards, FMLA