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ODBC with imd file as the source

Is anyone aware if its possible to connect Excel to an IMD file using ODBC -  ie the IMD file is the source.

Brian Element Tue, 08/27/2019 - 07:29

Hi Raoul,

If you have 10.3 or later you should be able to do this as IDEA now as ODBC driver.  In 10.4 they are pre-installed when you install IDEA and 10.3 they are a separate download.  You would then have to configure the ODBC driver to point at a project folder and then you should be able to access it through Excel.  I have never tried it with Excel but I have used it with Power BI.


raoul.kelly Tue, 08/27/2019 - 08:27

Thank you so much Brian!!!  Works with Excel perfectly.  Im going to also look at Power BI based on your comment

israeldiniz Tue, 09/22/2020 - 09:32

Hi  Brian! I creat an import routing using ODBC through VisualScript.
When I convert or use the historic to create an Ideascript, I get compilation error message.
The Script is
dbName = "Produto.IMD"
Client.ImportODBCFile " bdadm . usuario ", dbName, TRUE, ";DSN=SIST_BKPROD;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=IDEA;WSID=BDMG5144;DATABASE=bdges;QuotedId=No;AnsiNPW=No", "SELECT pr.nom_prod [Nome Produto], pa.dsc_prod_agrup [Descrição Grupo Produto], pr.dat_efet_fim_oper_prod [Bas - dat efet fim contr prod], 
pr.dat_prev_fim_oper_prod [Bas - dat prev fim contr prod], pr.dat_ult_mntc [Bas - dat_ult_mntc], pr.dat_cria_prod [Bas - Data criação produto], 
pr.dat_ini_oper_prod [Bas - Data ini contrat prod], pr.cod_sit_oprl [Bas - cod_sit_oprl]
from bdges.dbo.produto pr
left outer join bdges.dbo.Produto_Agrupador pa on pa.cod_prod_agrup = pr.cod_prod_agrup
Client.OpenDatabase (dbName)
Do you know what is?
We use Trusted Connection, I don´t have to enter the password.  I have the Mastering Ideascript, I consulted the Help and I have not found any solution.
Thanks in advance
Israel Diniz (Brazil)