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compare pictures in dialog

Hi @ all,
i tried to compare 2 pictures within a dialog.
But it doesn't work. Has someone a suggestion to solve the problem?
Thanks a lot

Brian Element Tue, 08/27/2019 - 07:27

Hi Jan,

Just curious why you are trying to compare two pictures in the dialog.  The picture function in the dialog is very limited so what you are trying to do, I believe, is not possible.


KieliJan Mon, 09/02/2019 - 03:22

Hi Brian,
I wanted to make the dialogue more dynamic and appealing.Therefore the image content should be based on the selection of a checkbox or an option button.
In my company the integration of other programming languages in IDEA is limited, so that I can realize my idea exclusively with IDEA script - or even not ...
I thought the solution would be to compare the ID of the image or bitmap file with a path and the file stored there:
==> If "Picture1" = Client.WorkingDirectory() & Pfad & "01_blank_blue.bmp" Then    'Pfad (in german) = path
Thank you very much for your appreciation.

Brian Element Thu, 09/05/2019 - 12:41

I don't think there is anyway of changing the picture without closing the dialog and reopening it.  Once you the bmp has been selected it can't be changed so long as the dialog is open.  If you are using 10.3 or above you could probably do this through a Python dialog using Tkinter.


KieliJan Mon, 09/23/2019 - 09:41

Thank you so much for taking the time.
It helps to know that it does not work with the resources currently available.