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Appending Data files to Header files that are not transposed

Hello everyone
Can somebody please assist if this is possible. I have over 100 files with data and 100 coresponding files with headers (column names of the data files). All 100  data and header files are in different names, but sharing names as pears. The header files have all the headers in one column (all headers are in rows). Thus, I was wondering if there is an IDEA script or way to traspose the header files first and then append each trasposed header file to its corresponding data file. Please help if possible.
Thank you. 

scotchy33 Tue, 11/26/2019 - 10:43

Hi Smiso,
No you did not do exactly as my screenshot. Your folder level has to be one higher.  Set your working folder to Smiso.  When you run the script, select the Smiso folder, not the Field Name Dictionary folder.
Please see attached screenshots.

Smiso Tue, 11/26/2019 - 16:01

Hi Scott
Thank you very much.
I have tested the script and followed as per the instructions above, and the script worked very well, thank you. The only downfall might be the fact the you need to rename the header files to put the word "HEADERS", and to ensure naming consistancy between data and header files (just like the attached screenshot). Therefore, if you have a 100 files you will have to rename them, which cannot be help really if you think about it, from a coding point of view. Perhaps as a work around, one should ask whoever will be extracting the data to ensure that the files naming between the data and the header files is consistant and that the header files will need to include the word "HEADERS" on their names (Just like the attached screenshot) or when importing into IDEA to include "HEADERS" as a suffix on header files. What are your thoughts?
Thank you very much for all of your help.

scotchy33 Tue, 11/26/2019 - 18:01

In reply to by Smiso

Hi Smiso,
You can look into using a renaming program, such as Name It Your Way (NIYoW), to make renaming easier.