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Issue with numeric fields

I tried to solve this issue I'm having, but couldn't find a solution.
The code I upload work very well when a user choose date fields or character fields in the dropdown boxes. However, in case of numeric fields chosen, it says that "Bad equation provided"
The part I'm talking about is the following:
If extractionType Then
If IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi1) And IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi2) Then
eqn = acilirListeVerisi1 & " <> " & acilirListeVerisi2
eqn = "@Strip(" & acilirListeVerisi1 & ") <> @Strip(" & acilirListeVerisi2 & ")"
End If
If IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi1) And IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi2) Then
eqn = acilirListeVerisi1 & " == " & acilirListeVerisi2
eqn = "@Strip(" & acilirListeVerisi1 & ") == @Strip(" & acilirListeVerisi2 & ")"
End If
End If
I don't know why eqn = acilirListeVerisi1 & " <> " & acilirListeVerisi2 and eqn = acilirListeVerisi1 & " == " & acilirListeVerisi2 do not work. 
Note: in the dialog box, "aynı" stands for "==" and "farklı" stands for "<>"
Thanks in advance!

Brian Element Thu, 01/02/2020 - 15:07

Hi leylalkan,

The problem is using the IsNumeric is testing that what is contained in the variable is numeric.  In this case the variable contains the Field name so it will always not be numeric.  What you want to do is test that the actual field is a numeric or character field.  

To check if a field is numeric you can write a short function to do that:

function checkIfFieldIsNumeric(sFilename as string, sFieldname as string) as boolean

     Set db = Client.OpenDatabase(sFilename)

     set table = db.TableDef

     Set field = table.GetField(sFieldname)

     If field.IsNumeric then

          checkIfFieldIsNumeric = True


         checkIfFieldIsNumeric = False

    end if

    Set Field = nothing

    Set Table = Nothing

    Set Db = nothing

end function

This will return true if the field is numeric and false if it is not.

leylalkan Mon, 01/06/2020 - 06:26

Thank you! This definitely solves the problem.