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hi brian,

here are my 50cent...

- make the site faster.. navigation is really slow, a new site takes >= 1min

- plain text: you have got a trim over the text... disable the trim and the formating should be better..

- how about uploading pictures? would be great for grafical user interfaces... with idea 8.5 there is no option to show the script for a dialog.. if it is existing i have not found it until...

- options for private mails for members of your forum

- maybe a possibility to upload iss files and xls files... so longer examples are better to handle for everybody...


Brian Element Thu, 10/25/2012 - 07:18

Hi Chris,

I appreciate your comments.  For making the site faster I have disabled the logging and I am using caching on the site, I am experimenting with it and I have found a large speed difference.  Unfortunately you are probably logging on before anyone else so the cache maybe being regenerated for you.  I will keep playing with it and hopefully you will see a difference.

For the code I installed a new module last night, put your code between <code>  </code> the only problem is that if you use tabs they don't indent the same way as spaces.  I am still playing with it to try and get it working properly.

To view the script for a dialog you have to open the iss file in notepad and you can see it there.  You can also use an IDE like netbeans to look at it.  I will try to configure adding pictures and being able to upload iss and xls files.  Also for now any files you can email them to me at and I will post them for you.

For the private mails I just found a module that does this, I will have to test it out and if it works I will install it on the site.

Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate them.

CB Thu, 10/25/2012 - 23:58

In reply to by Brian Element

hi brian,

great!!!! your site is really faster now... much better usability...

if i found the time i will adapt one of my macros with a nice gui (like i think) so that i could sent it to you with an example xls file...
you are really fast with your response...


CB Fri, 10/26/2012 - 01:00

In reply to by Brian Element

damn that actually works!!!!!!!!!!

i open a iss-scipt with notepad++ and i could see the code for my dialogbox....nice...
i have never tried to open an iss file with notepad++
what a sin!

really thanks for that hint!!!!
