Defining variables and assinging then a value
Hi everyone!
I'm a beginer in Idea Script and here is a code i ended up with after having recorded a macro :
Sub Main
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("GLOriginal-Travaillé.IMD")
Set task = db.TableManagement
Set field = db.TableDef.NewField
field.Name = "TYPE_DE_COMPTE"
field.Description = "Ajouter une type de compte pour bâtir TCD"
field.Type = WI_VIRT_CHAR
field.Equation = "@If(@Between( NO_COMPTE;4000;4999 ) ;""Revenus"";(@If(@BETWEEN( NO_COMPTE ;5000;9999);""Dépenses"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2310 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2310;""TPS"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2340 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2340;""TVQ"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2315 ;""CTI"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2345 ;""RTI"";""Autre"")))))))))))"
field.Length = 10
task.AppendField field
Set task = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set field = Nothing
End Sub
And now, i want to change the numbers highlighted above by using a variable such as Revenusminimalvalue, Revenusmaximalvalue etc etc
I'm trying to define a variable and assign it a value by doing this:
Dim Revenusminimalvalue As Integer
Revenusminimalvalue = 4000
so it looks like this :
Option Explicit
Sub Main
Dim db As Object
Dim task As Object
Dim field As Object
Dim RevMinVal As Integer
RevMinVal = 4000
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("GLOriginal-Travaillé.IMD")
Set task = db.TableManagement
Set field = db.TableDef.NewField
field.Name = "TYPE_DE_COMPTE"
field.Description = "Ajouter une type de compte pour bâtir TCD"
field.Type = WI_VIRT_CHAR
field.Equation = "@If(@Between( NO_COMPTE;Revenusminimalvalue;4999 ) ;""Revenus"";(@If(@BETWEEN( NO_COMPTE ;RevMinVal;9999);""Dépenses"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2310 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2310;""TPS"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2340 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2340;""TVQ"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2315 ;""CTI"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2345 ;""RTI"";""Autre"")))))))))))"
field.Length = 10
task.AppendField field
Set task = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set field = Nothing
End Sub
But when runing the test code, i have an error on the line of code
task.AppendField field
and i dont really know why ?
Please help !
Hi pomarquis,
Hi pomarquis,
The problem is that you are using a variable inside of the double quotes of the equation. If an item is within a double quotes it stays as its what it is, it is not considered a variable. The easiest way to understand this is to set your equation to a variable and then view the variable such as:
eqn = "@If(@Between( NO_COMPTE;Revenusminimalvalue;4999 ) ;""Revenus"";(@If(@BETWEEN( NO_COMPTE ;RevMinVal;9999);""Dépenses"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2310 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2310;""TPS"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2340 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2340;""TVQ"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2315 ;""CTI"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2345 ;""RTI"";""Autre"")))))))))))"
msgbox eqn
As you can see your equation is using the names of your variables and not the values. To fix this change your equation to:
"@If(@Between( NO_COMPTE;" & Revenusminimalvalue & ";4999 ) ;""Revenus"";(@If(@BETWEEN( NO_COMPTE ;" & RevMinVal & ";9999);""Dépenses"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2310 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2310;""TPS"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2340 .OR. NO_COMPTE = 2340;""TVQ"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2315 ;""CTI"";(@If( NO_COMPTE =2345 ;""RTI"";""Autre"")))))))))))"
You will notice that I close the double quotes and use the & to insert the variable.
Hopefully this makes sense if not let me know and we can discuss further.