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Connect to postgresql

Hi guys, 
I want to import my data to a postgresql database so then Access it using IDEA.
It's hard to find a tutorial showing how to Setup The connection.
Someone can help me?
I don't use IDEA, but I'm responsible for taking data from severa sources (including webscraping) and delivery it to IDEA users. 

Brian Element Tue, 03/03/2020 - 08:14

Hi im-alexandre,

Unfortunately I have never done anything like this so I can't be of help.  Something like this I would suggest you send a ticket to the IDEA help desk and they would be able to help you out.

idemnos Fri, 03/13/2020 - 16:59

Hi there.
First, you need to keep in mind that idea uses odbc to manage connections to database managers as SQL SERVER, SYBASE, ORACLE and POSTGRESQL. So you need to be sure about if you have installed postgre drivers in the PC you are using idea, and if your version is 32 or 64 bits, drivers have to be the same type.
Second, use this tutorial and try to complete them. When you finish, comment the result.…
Hope it help.