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IDEA Script Mentor wanted

Is there anyone out there willing to mentor me in the creation/editing of IDEAScript.  I have the book Mastering IDEAScript and have take the first programming class and will take the other 2 as soon as my company will either pay for them or I'll get tired of waiting and pay for them myself.  I'm also looking to take the CIDA soon and maybe after the the CISA too if I can get a handle on scripting.
I'm new to programming but really want to learn.  Eventually I'd like to learn Python after I get a handle on IDEAScript.  I have taken a basic SQL course and have been able to "read" it and then create macros that I save as IDEAScript. I'd really like to understand the complexities much better than just recording macros.

klmi Thu, 07/09/2020 - 02:37

You wrote that you already have the book "Mastering IDEAScript" which seems to be a good entry point. But if you really want to learn coding it's necessary that you start writing your own codes. Otherwise you can begin with (short) existing code, try to understand it and change it to your needs. What absolutely makes sense is to customize a recorded script / a script from IDEA's history.
I guess when you try to run your own code some errors will arise but be sure that's a normal thing! Try to solve the errors by yourself because it will help help you to avoid such errors later. If you won't find the problem after a hard debugging session please post your code (or code snippet) in the forum and I'm sure you will get help from the forum members. 
Python on my eyes is the future of scripting in IDEA however the interfaces between IDEA and Python are not as easy as possible at the moment. That could it make easier for beginners to start with VBA respecitvely the IDEAScript language.

dhuffman63 Thu, 07/09/2020 - 10:11

Thank you Kimi...I'm slowly working my way through the book but work has been brutal and I can only do it at home.  Brian has graciously offered to help where he can.