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Doing joins in Loops

Hi Brian,
I have a file with user rights assigned to roles.
I have another file which has the conflicting user rights. this file has 2 columns T code and conflicting T code. i.e. If T code is F41 and conflicting T code is F56 it means that roles which have F41 assigned and also have F56 assigned are conflicting.
There are more than 100 items for which such conflicts have to be found and around 2500 combinations. 
I manually did this using multiple joins but i was wondering if you could help me with a script which will help to do joins in loops based on key values. If there is any other simpler method also let me know.
I am also enclosing sample file with sample data for reference. 
Thanks in advance for the help.

padmathiagarajan Mon, 12/07/2020 - 01:37

In reply to by Brian Element

Latest version..Version 11.2. 
Yes sure even Python works for me..I have pycharm and jupyter note book or if its python code to be executed in IDEA also it is fine. Do let me know.
Thanks in advance for the help.