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Report Reader and Adobe Pro DC

At my office we recently switched from Adobe 9 (I think) to Adobe Pro DC. We are finding some issues when we now import PDFs into Report Reader. For example Report Reader isn't reading the PDFs as clearly as before. It may turn the number 0 into the letter o. Usually we add a page number to the PDF, so if the Report Reader misses something, we can easily see where the problem is. However, adding the page number now seems to hinder from reading the PDF clearly. We have IDEA version 10. Would version 11 fix this? Or is anyone else running into a similar problem?

Brian Element Thu, 02/11/2021 - 13:55

Hi there, one problem is that you need to create your pdf at a high definition, I have seen similar problems when the pdfs are not saved at a high enough definition.  I would also recomment you talk to your IDEA distributor about this problem.

CFE4130 Fri, 02/12/2021 - 13:44

For physical documents, I've been scanning them at 600 dpi and then running OCR through Adobe. For the ones that I receive electronically, I just run OCR. I do know that receiving them electronically works best for Report Reader. Awhile back, I had Adobe 9 on one computer and Pro DC on another. I could take the same document, run the OCR on it using both Adobe versions, and the one from Adobe 9 would always look better in Report Reader. 
Brian, are there other settings that you are using and which version of Adobe do you use?
I contacted Automation yesterday about upgrading to version 11. Between emails going back and forth, I did mention the Adobe issue, but they did not address it in their response. 

Brian Element Sun, 02/14/2021 - 10:13

Hi CFE4130, fortunately I haven't needed to use OCR in years, the pdfs that I have obtained in the past were in electronic format and not images in a pdf.  This is one of the problems with OCR especially when dealing with 0 and O, it often gets confused.  The only thing I can think of is make sure the images are printed at the highest resolution possible as this should help the OCR decide the correct characters.  Hopefully IDEA 11 will help this out but it sounds more like an OCR problem and the possibility of the images not being as good as they should be.  

CFE4130 Thu, 02/18/2021 - 11:21

Thanks Brian. Unfortunately, we don't always get everything in electronic format even though it is preferred. This southern winter storm has delayed things, but hopefully next week we will get 11 installed.