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Comparing 2 Databases completely

I have some tasks for which i am using IDEA to import and export data. At the end of the task i need to check whether the exported files are exact replica of the initial databases (Strucutre is the same, but the content needs to be verified) when later imported again in IDEA by someone else.
I know IDEA has a function for comparing databases that but that seems limited on the limited number of fields. I want to check all fields for all records in 2 databases, was hoping for an easy solution to exist any starting point taken in that area?

Brian Element Thu, 07/17/2014 - 19:32

Hi Freetgy, I have a script that does that but I just ran it and came across a few bugs.  Give me the weekend to update the script and I will post it for you.

Brian Element Tue, 08/26/2014 - 07:16

Hi freetgy, sorry I looked at the script and it was an older one, so I ended up pretty much rewriting it and then forgot to post it.  You can find it here.