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Get a Previous Cells value and add it to current cell

Hi Brian,If i want get a cells value & then add it to the preious cell and keep on populating a column like that. Would it be possible ? For eg. in MS Excel, the same formula would like this = Coln A | Coln B| Coln C| 12               2             22               4            coln C = 12 + 4 = 16  ----- i.e. -->   A1 + B2 = C2                                                                                                A2 + B3 = C3                                                                                                       etc.In excel it is possible to do this due to cell references. But will i be able to do it in IDEA, which works with columns & not cells ?
A1 + B2 = C2
A2 + B3 = C3
etc.... how do i populate a column C like that ^

Brian Element Fri, 09/25/2020 - 16:18

Hi Rahul, just want to make sure that this is the same question that you sent to CaseWare?  I just want to make sure it got answered.


ernesto Fri, 11/12/2021 - 09:07

I'd like to do the same. I've already learned how to capture and verify the value of the current cell I'm observing, however I'd like to change a previous cell based on that information. However, I don't know what to do.