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Question marks appearing when I import Excel spreadsheet into IDEA

I converted a xls file to xlsx file to import itnto IDEA. It seems IDEA does not support xls, right?
Then, I tried to import xlsx (Excel 2016) but question marks appear at the beginning and end of each string (character) cell!
How can I import the data without having question marks?
Please see the images

Brian Element Thu, 12/23/2021 - 04:33

IDEA should support xls and it is hard to tell why the ? are being added without actually seeing the file. Could be unicode characters that are not showing up and being replaced by ?.

talebi Tue, 01/11/2022 - 13:15

In reply to by Brian Element

I tried different ways to fix the problem by replacing unicode characters but they did not work. SO, I asked to change the format to XML format and the problem did not show up! regarding the xls file, my IDEA does not import xls format so when I change it to xlsx format, it is working!