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To Apply an Import Template

Hello Group Members,
Import Templates allow users to seamlessly and conveniently import Files using Templates developed by any member from an IDEA Team for an organisation using IDEA.
When you import a Print Report or a PDF File in IDEA you receive a *.JPM Import Template File at the end of the Import task. When you import a Text or Delimited File you receive a *.RDF Import Template File at the end of the Import task.
Any Team member developing such Templates can share the same over email or local share folder to other members. Once you receive the Templates you just need to save them in the Import Definitions subfolder of your Project Folder. This makes the Templates available for seamless and convenient import using the Import Assistant in IDEA.
The Templates can be reused as well as edited where required to give effect to any changes to the existing Report scheme.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team

akwatdok Fri, 06/24/2022 - 09:13

Using script downloaded from PASSPORT, i ran in to make multiple imports of CSV and PSV files but midway i get messages such as "No Template Files found" and "No file of Text Type found". How can i go around this?