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Python Function Error

Hi Brian
Hope you are doing well
I got an error this morning with the same script that I have been running for a year. I never had this error before!
Would you please help me to solve it? I attached the error window and my python code.

talebi Wed, 02/15/2023 - 16:04

None of my Python codes are working in my IDEA. I do not know what happend. All the same errors!
THey have been fine for a year

Brian Element Thu, 02/16/2023 - 12:45

Hi talebi, did anything change in your IDEA installation?  For this problem I recommend that you contact your IDEA support as they are probably in a better position to help you out.  Give them as much information as possible including the version of IDEA you are using.

I tried your script and it ran fine on my machine so there is nothing wrong with it.