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How to use IDEA equations in scripts and custom functions

IDEA has over 100 functions that can be used in the equation editor.  The program has functions to manipulate character, numeric and time fields to name just a few.  You can also access all these functions in IDEAScript and Custom Functions by putting an i in front of the function.  So in the equation editor you use the @mid() function, if you wish to use it in a script or a custom function put an i in front of it like imid() to access it.

robgentile Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:07

That makes sense. Audimation (US Support) told me yesterday that the 'i'functions are deprecated, which was not comforting. 

Brian Element Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:40

I didn't know that they were depreciated but since they weren't updated that makes sense.  Which function were you looking for and maybe there is something that already exists in VB that could do the job or a function that could be created.

robgentile Thu, 09/25/2014 - 14:05

In reply to by Brian Element

Oh, no worries - I am good, just used split instead of simplesplit.
I guess what might worry me is if one of my users has simple split in one of their projects, and we move to automate it, we might have to write our own 'one off' function to replicate a function already in the system. '@' functions without 'i' equivalents will mean more work in automation...but I will cross that know. :)

robgentile Fri, 09/26/2014 - 07:36

In reply to by Brian Element

While on the subject of '@' and 'i' functions, a (possibly) related question.
Is it possible to call a '#' custom function from an other '#' custom function? 
I've tried several syntax variations, and looked in the docs, but can't seem to find an example. 

Brian Element Fri, 09/26/2014 - 08:20

In reply to by robgentile

I don't think you can do it,  the custom function seems to be limited to the i functions and visual basic commands, you can't use any ideascripting commands like task and database in your custome function.

One way to get around this is that you can have multiple functions within your custom function, so you could copy the code from the custom function you want to reference and then just call it through a call function.

Let me know if that makes sense if not I will post an example for you.

robgentile Fri, 09/26/2014 - 11:11

In reply to by Brian Element

I followed your advice and that worked fine! 
BTW, I wrote a custom function for Salman and would've shared it but Drupal wouldn't let me upload a file of .ideafuc type.
Is there a way to do it, or is that not something that you'd prefer? I'm ok either way.

Brian Element Fri, 09/26/2014 - 13:06

In reply to by robgentile

Hi Rob, thanks for adding to the site, I appreciate it.  My custom functions use .ideafunc and not .ideafuc, did yours have a typo or do you have a version of IDEA that saves with that file extension?  If so let me know and I will update the list of acceptable file types.

robgentile Fri, 09/26/2014 - 13:26

In reply to by Brian Element

Ooops, just a typo in my post. Here's the filename I tried to add to my post: EmptyParentheses.ideafunc . I cut & pasted this time to avoid any more embarrassment!
Or maybe it's not allowed where I was doing it? I tried to upload as part of a post, but a more careful reading says "You can upload up to 5 images of png, gif, jpg or jpeg.". So it looks like it's not possible as part of a post? Is there somewhere else to do it?

Brian Element Fri, 09/26/2014 - 13:30

In reply to by robgentile

Rob, when you post a comment you should have two places to upload items, one for images and another for files.  You should have something called

You can upload up to 10 IDEAscript, excel, csv, txt and rdf files. as an option, if not then I screwed something up along the way and I will have a look at it this weekend.