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Mass export to excel - data selection based on keys

Hi there,
I am dealing with a mass export of data from idea databases to e.g. excel files now, but unfortunatelly I am not getting on well with that. :-(
I will try to describe the situation:
I prepared a database containing accounting data (booking entries) in IDEA. Then I did a selection based on key values (Data - Selections - Selection based on key values...). The key value is an G/L Account. IDEA created several individual databases (imd files) - for each key value (G/L Account) one database. Now I want to export all the individual databases to excel. There is no option to do that on mass. In case of big amount of key values (e.g. 100), it is annoying to do the export 1 by 1.
I tried to do a test script: I did the export for one value (G/L account 1) first, then I copied the script from "History" and extend the script for the second value (G/L account 2). When I triggerred the script, it went to error ("Error on line xx - Duplicate definition: myArray).
Is there any chance to do the mass export from IDEA?
Thank you for any idea. :-)

Brian Element Thu, 11/06/2014 - 08:18

Hi Daniel and welcome to the site.

You can't do this through IDEA directly but you can do it through a script.  The Caseware IDEA website has a script to do exactly what you are looking for, I have attached it in case you don't have access to the site.  I haven't tried it out but since it is from their site it should be working.  Let me know how it goes.

Daniel Pech Mon, 11/10/2014 - 03:25

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian,
thank you a lot for your help. It is exactly what I need. It works well (tested on idea ver.
First you need to specify folder where you store databases to be exported. In the next step you can easily choose which concrete databases you want to include for export. You can decide even the type of output files (xls, pdf, asc).
Now I will think about how to get the excel files to one excel file with several sheets. If I find any tool, I will let you know.
Thanks againg for your nice web pages and your willingness.

Brian Element Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:11

In reply to by seif2468

Hello seif2468 and welcome to the site.

I am not sure what you mean by IDEA 3 and the current version of IDEA is 10.2.  Also are you using the ASCII or Unicode versions of IDEA.  From the error lines you have given me it might be because of the difference in file extensions.



mobbie Mon, 03/06/2017 - 02:41

Hello Brian
Could you help me, I've using your script (exportdatabase.iss). It's error on line 174-Unsupported Export Type.
Please Help, I need id.
big thanks

Brian Element Mon, 03/06/2017 - 07:26

In reply to by mobbie

Hi mobbie, sorry to hear it is not working.  I need more info from you to figure out what might be going wrong.  Can you give me your version of IDEA you are running this on.  Also are you exporting this as an excel project and if so what version of Excel are you using?  The IDEA databases how large are they?  How many records as that could be the problem.

