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/M in command not performing the required task - IDEA

I am trying to open an ISM file using the command in cmd. But although its opening the application, its not opening the ISM file.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare IDEA\IDEA\idea.exe" "/M=G:\IDEA_Files\xxxxx\xxxxxism"
Can anyone please help me
Arjun Menon U.K

Brian Element Fri, 07/31/2015 - 07:36

Hi Arjun and welcome to the site.

I just tried the following and it seemd to work:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare IDEA\IDEA\IDEA.exe" "F1.IMD"

IDEA opened up and opend the F1.imd file.  Been a long time since I worked with the cmd line so you might have to play around with it on your end.



arjunmenon Mon, 08/03/2015 - 00:48

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian,
Thanks for the reply. Actually much knowledge of IDEA script is nothing. The script works if i don't give the /M , But when i give that /M its not working. And i am told to check why. If you dont mind , can you please explain what that /M does?
Arjun Menon 

Brian Element Mon, 08/03/2015 - 05:58

Hi Arjun,

Unfortunately I don't know why.  I am not an IDEA technical support person.  I would recommend you go back to your IDEA supplier and ask them the question as they should have access to some technical support.

Good luck.


KrisW Wed, 11/18/2015 - 13:38

ISM is a script file. You need to COMPILE (create executable) & run that file from the command line/CMD prompt
"c:\my idea documents\my script file.exe"
as long as you have a CLIENT.QUIT in the script, it will exit when completed

Pascal van der… Tue, 03/19/2019 - 08:17

Its a few years later but if you would have moved the " a tiny bit it would have worked:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare IDEA\IDEA\idea.exe" /M="G:\IDEA_Files\xxxxx\xxxxxism"