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how to turn screen refresh off

First of all, thank you very much for this webite. 
I am looking for a internal function within IDEA to disable the screen displayed during a macro run.
The same function function exist in VBA (Application.ScreenUpdating = False).
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Kind Regards,

Brian Element Mon, 08/31/2015 - 18:46

Hello Mourad and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately I don't know of anyway to do this in IDEA.  I don't know of any equivalent command in IDEA that you have in Excel.


Mourad59290 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 10:54

Hi Brian.
Thank you for your quick answer. I will check with caseware and I will let you know if this function does exist.
I believe that it would increase processing time of the CPU.

Brian Element Tue, 09/01/2015 - 19:06

In reply to by Mourad59290

I agree with you, having this would problably improve the processing time.  Now if you want to get rid of the pop-ups for overwriting files there is the IgnoreWarning function.  Either thatn that the only way I know to do it would be to creat the script in another application and call the IDEA componets that are needed.

ElementDM Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:02

I'm looking for a solution about the screen displayed during a macro run.
I have much extractions and during the macro run, each display takes few seconds.
Moreover, is it possible to open a database without display it ?

Brian Element Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:11

In reply to by ElementDM

Hello and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately there is no way to turn these off. You may be able to control some of them and turn of the display if you are issuing the commands from another visual application but that makes things quite complicated and I doubt you would have any time saving.


ElementDM Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:25

In reply to by Brian Element

Thank you for your answer.
Ok, so I can hide theses displays only If I run an instance of IDEA from another macro ?

Brian Element Thu, 01/14/2016 - 12:37

In reply to by ElementDM

Yes, I believe so, you could create an app in visual studio that calls the IDEA components to do what you want them to do.