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Incorporating the Export of Multiple Databases into a Script

Hello~ I am new to the forum. I have looked through the site before for my questions, but am not finding any help with my specific question.
I am trying to export multiple databases (4) into a single Excel file. We utilize Excel Export, so I can manually export multiple databases into a single Excel file. However, I am hoping to incorporate a similar process directly into my script, so the user doesn't have to manually consolidate spreadsheets or even manually select the databases to include. I would like the script (which utilizes a dialogue box for the date parameter) to automatically select the 4 databases (which are named the same each time, with the exception of the date prefix which pulls from the dialogue box).
I am an amateur at the scripting process and have not had any formal training, just what I’ve learned through tutorials and internet research. Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Element Thu, 01/28/2016 - 07:42

Hi bidden67 and welcome to the site.

What you want shouldn't be a problem, unfortunately I am busy with other projects right now so I am not sure when I can get this to you.  Hopefully I might find some time this weekend.



ecarlile Tue, 03/01/2016 - 10:39

I did something similar using Brian's date picker function. This should work, it uses the date at the start of the file name, and assumes a date format of YYYY-MM-DD

biddin67 Tue, 03/01/2016 - 17:03

Thank you for your response ecarlile. I have reviewed the information you provided.
I guess I should specify that the 4 databases that I want to consolidate are not all the same, and I would need them exported as separate tabs in the same file, not appended into the same database.
For example, I am reviewing journal entries. Based on our tests, we have journal entries that fail certain criteria and need further review. Entries are summarized by different fields for each database. Files would include:
- January 2016 AR Conflicts by Entry
- January 2016 AR Conflicts by User
- January 2016 AR Conflicts by T-Code and GL
- January 2016 AR Conflicts Full Detail
Reviewers can then quickly review the entries at each level, to determine if entries were appropriate or need to be viewed all the way down to the detail. For this reason, all databases need to be in different tabs and cannot be appended before export.
The following month, the same 4 files would be created, with February 2016 replacing January 2016 (month is specified by dialogue box input), with the remainder of the file name the same (I have that hardkeyed in the script).
Currently I consolidate the 4 tabs into one file before sending to reviewer (for each test, which makes it cumbersome because we have 9 tests).
Once I can get this particular task updated to streamline, I can use the same process for other test results I currently compile manually before sending out.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Steven Luciani Thu, 03/03/2016 - 12:22

The attached script comes from the IDEA support site. It was written for V8 and I haven't tried it in V9 or V10. Hopefully it will help you get to your end state as is, or with a minimal amount of tweaking.
