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Cannot delete folder within script

Hi Brian,
I'm writing a script that creates a working folder, does a lot of file compilation within that folder, and then moves the resulting two files to a new folder.
Once the results are moved to the new folder I then want to delete the working folder.
As part of the main subroutine I have the folder name defined much earlier in the script as shown below
Set fldrName as String
Set wD as String
wD= CurDir()
However, the following extract from the script keeps returning an error saying the folder doesn't exist.
Function DeleteCrispWorkingFolder(wD As String, errSwitch As Boolean)
If errSwitch = 0 Then On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim task As Object
Dim errMsg As String
Set task = Client.ProjectManagement
task.DeleteFolder wD & "\CRISP WORKING FOLDER"
Set task = Nothing
Exit Function
If Client.ErrorCode > 0 Then
errMsg = "Error: " & Client.ErrorString
MsgBox errMsg, MB_OK, "IDEAScript Error"
errMsg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & Chr$(13) & Err.Description & Chr$(13)
MsgBox errMsg, MB_OK, "IDEAScript Error"
End If
End Function
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a million,

pcallan0 Wed, 03/20/2019 - 11:11

Hi Brian,
That worked perfectly.
Thanks so much as I've another working folder in the script that I'll need to remove later on.
I definitely owe you a few pints.
All the best,

Brian Element Wed, 03/20/2019 - 11:31

In reply to by pcallan0

Well if I am ever over in Ireland I will look you up.  Be nice to visit as I have some Irish blood in me :-)

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