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Concatenate character fields

Hello!  I am performing analysis on bank account information and have 2 fields, both character:  routing number and account number.  I want to concatenate the two to create a single number.  For example:
Routing number:             12345
Bank account number:   987654321
Result:                               12345987654321
I have looked online and in IDEA Help, including online Custom Functions, but haven't been able to find what I am looking for.  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.  Thank you!

Brian Element Tue, 11/29/2016 - 19:29

Hi Holly,

Actually this is quite easy to do.  Here is an example using the Sample-Customers.IMD file.  In the file I have a FIRST_NAME field and a LAST_NAME field that I want to concatenate together.  Here is what the fields look like:

I next create a virtual field by double clicking anywhere in the database to get the Field Manipulation dialog to show.

I create a new field called FIRST LAST NAME and give it a length of 50 since it will be large enough to hold the first and last name.  I then click in the parameter box to open the equation editor so I can put the two fields together:

I use the + to concatenate the fields together.  In this example I also add a space between the first and last name.  I then close the Equation Editor by clicking on the green check mark and then click OK in the Field Manipulation dialog and I get this:

Hopefully that makes sense.
