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How to call a IDEA macro from Excel VBA

Hi Brian, hi guys,
I am using this website since 2017 and it helped me a lot. Thanks a million! Since I have not found an answer yet I would like to post my question here. I am struggeling calling an IDEA macro from a VBA macro in Excel. I am pretty sure it is not that complicated and I will slap myselfe for not coming up with the solution . Can someone give me the correpsonding code snippet as example? 
Many thanks in advance and happy friday everyone! 

Degrebe Fri, 03/11/2022 - 09:51

Hi Brain, hi guys,
got it:
Sub Test()
Dim IdeaClient As Object
Dim oIDEA As Idea.IdeaClient
Set oIDEA = New Idea.IdeaClient
oIDEA.RunIDEAScript "Path and name of the script.iss"
End Sub
Needed libraries should be activated. ^^
Kind regards

Brian Element Fri, 03/11/2022 - 09:54

Hi Debrebe,

Are you just trying to run the script or do you expect to get information back from the script to your macro?

Degrebe Fri, 03/11/2022 - 10:35

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian,
I was just looking for a way to run the script, nothing else. It is easier for my collegues to push a button in an excel file than fire up IDEA go into the scripting engine and run the script :D 
Kind regards and have a great weekend