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Tips and Hints


A place for members to place any useful IDEA tips or hints.

How to call a IDEA macro from Excel VBA

Hi Brian, hi guys,
I am using this website since 2017 and it helped me a lot. Thanks a million! Since I have not found an answer yet I would like to post my question here. I am struggeling calling an IDEA macro from a VBA macro in Excel. I am pretty sure it is not that complicated and I will slap myselfe for not coming up with the solution . Can someone give me the correpsonding code snippet as example? 
Many thanks in advance and happy friday everyone! 

Merging Columns

I wasn't sure where to look for this task.  I have a database and it has 9 columns however, they are repeat column headers with their own sets of data.  For example,
Check Num 1     Date 1     Amount 1     Check Num 2     Date 2     Amount 2     Check Num 3     Date 3     Amount 3

Range of Dates

I have access to a table in our accounting software package and I'm trying to download transaction from 10/1/2019 to the current date.  If I Import the table I get everything all the way back to 2006.  Is there a way once I've imported it to strip out extra dates and only get what I need before exporting to excel?  I'm in version 11.1.