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IDEAScripting with Dialogs

Greetings! (edited)  This is my first post after a year being a member.
I am working in a yearly project and because of that I programmed everything in IDEA.  My Project Manager asked me to program everything in a way that anyone, with little IDEA knowledge, can run it.  I have many IDEAScripts that I wrote to perform all the analysis.  Now I added dialogs to make it easier.  Everything runs great without errors. Almost perfect! But (there's always a but)... 

  1. I prepared a main dialog with 10 buttons that open different sub-dialogs
  2. Each sub-dialog has buttons to run individual IDEAScripts.
  3. The dialogs code is very simple, from my point of view as I am almost a newbie. 
  4. I don't know if the code I used for the dialogs is correct, but it RUNS without errors.
  5. Each IDEAScript has a button to click and run. All the individual scripts run without errors.  More easier than that CAN'T be done.
  6. When I run the dialog script, I can navigate between the different dialogs without errors. I can go forward and back, without errors.
  7. When I want to exit, I just click the Cancel button. NO ERRORS

When I open the main dialog I can exit with just clicking the Cancel button. When I navigate to a sub-dialog, the Cancel button in that new dialog brings me back to the main dialog. But then I have to click the Cancel button TWICE to exit. If I navigate to a third and a fourth dialog, I have to click cancel in the main dialog 3 or 4 times. If I navigate 20 times, I have to click cancel 20 times.
That brings me to my question: How can I exit the main doalog with just ONE CLICK on the cancel button?
Attached are a couple of the dialogs scripts. All dialogs go into the Macros.ILB default folder.
Thanks for your help!