No module named 'seaborn'
Hello all,
I created a script in python which is supposed to generate a Bar chart using matplotlib. The module I am using for visualization is seaborn. While the script works perfectly when i invoke it from the editor and from command prompt, it gives the error 'No module named seaborn' whi i invoke it inside a macro. The module is however installed and working fine even when used in other scripts. I have spent three days trying to figure out whatthe problem could be to no avail.
Anyone who experienced this problem and was able to fix it?
I am using Python 3.6.8 64 bit and Version 11.3 of Idea, also 64 bit
After running [help('modules'
After running [help('modules')], i confirmed that the seaborn module was installed (please see atachment). The possibilty that the module could be missing in the integrated version of Python could be the cause of all these problems. I think i shall have to contact Caseware.
IDEA 10.4 also comes with
IDEA 10.4 also comes with Python 3.5.3 and the modules
- scikit-learn 0.18.1
- matplotlib 2.0.0
- numpy 1.12.1+mkl
- pandas 0.20.1
- et_xmlfile 1.0.1
- jdcal 1.3
- jinja2 2.9.6
- markupsafe 1.0
- openpyxl 2.4.7
- python-dateutil 2.6.0
- cycler 0.10.0
- SciPy 0.19.1
- pypiwin32 219
- pytz 2017.2
- pyparsing 2.2.0
- six 1.10.0
I don't believe there was any change with IDEA 11.
Did you really run help('modules') from IDEA (f.e. PythonWin to see the output)?
That's my output since I have no separate Python installation running:
__future__ chunk netbios tarfile
_ast cmath netrc telnetlib
_bisect cmd nntplib tempfile
_bootlocale code nt textwrap
_bz2 codecs ntpath this
_codecs codeop ntsecuritycon threading
_codecs_cn collections nturl2path time
_codecs_hk colorsys numbers timeit
_codecs_iso2022 commctrl numpy timer
_codecs_jp compileall odbc tkinter
_codecs_kr concurrent opcode token
_codecs_tw configparser openpyxl tokenize
_collections contextlib operator trace
_collections_abc copy optparse traceback
_compat_pickle copyreg os tracemalloc
_compression crypt pandas tty
_csv csv parser turtle
_ctypes ctypes pathlib turtledemo
_datetime curses pdb types
_decimal cycler perfmon typing
_dummy_thread datetime pickle unicodedata
_elementtree dateutil pickletools unittest
_functools dbi pipes urllib
_hashlib dbm pkg_resources uu
_heapq dde pkgutil uuid
_imp decimal platform venv
_io difflib plistlib warnings
_json dis poplib wave
_locale distutils posixpath weakref
_lsprof doctest pprint webbrowser
_lzma dummy_threading profile win2kras
_markupbase email pstats win32api
_md5 encodings pty win32clipboard
_msi ensurepip py_compile win32com
_multibytecodec enum pyclbr win32con
_multiprocessing errno pydoc win32console
_opcode et_xmlfile pydoc_data win32cred
_operator faulthandler pyexpat win32crypt
_osx_support filecmp pylab win32cryptcon
_overlapped fileinput pyparsing win32event
_pickle fnmatch pythoncom win32evtlog
_pydecimal formatter pytz win32evtlogutil
_pyio fractions pywin win32file
_random ftplib pywin32_testutil win32gui
_sha1 functools pywintypes win32gui_struct
_sha256 gc queue win32help
_sha512 genericpath quopri win32inet
_signal getopt random win32inetcon
_sitebuiltins getpass rasutil win32job
_socket gettext re win32lz
_sqlite3 glob regcheck win32net
_sre gzip regutil win32netcon
_ssl hashlib reprlib win32pdh
_stat heapq rlcompleter win32pdhquery
_string hmac runpy win32pdhutil
_strptime html sched win32pipe
_struct http scipy win32print
_symtable idlelib select win32process
_thread imaplib selectors win32profile
_threading_local imghdr servicemanager win32ras
_tkinter imp setuptools win32rcparser
_tracemalloc importlib shelve win32security
_warnings inspect shlex win32service
_weakref io shutil win32serviceutil
_weakrefset ipaddress signal win32timezone
_win32sysloader isapi site win32trace
_winapi itertools six win32traceutil
_winxptheme jdcal sklearn win32transaction
abc jinja2 smtpd win32ts
adodbapi json smtplib win32ui
afxres keyword sndhdr win32uiole
aifc lib2to3 socket win32verstamp
antigravity linecache socketserver win32wnet
argparse locale sqlite3 winerror
array logging sre_compile winioctlcon
ast lzma sre_constants winnt
asynchat macpath sre_parse winperf
asyncio macurl2path ssl winreg
asyncore mailbox sspi winsound
atexit mailcap sspicon winxpgui
audioop markupsafe stat winxptheme
base64 marshal statistics wsgiref
bdb math string xdrlib
binascii matplotlib stringprep xml
binhex mimetypes struct xmlrpc
bisect mmap subprocess xxsubtype
builtins mmapfile sunau zipapp
bz2 mmsystem symbol zipfile
cProfile modulefinder symtable zipimport
calendar msilib sys zlib
cgi msvcrt sysconfig
cgitb multiprocessing tabnanny
My apologies, i had run 'help
My apologies, i had run 'help('modules') from python. Below is an output after running the same on Pythonwin:
C:\Program Files\CaseWare IDEA\IDEA\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The matplotlib.delaunay module was deprecated in version 1.4. Use matplotlib.tri.Triangulation instead.
warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
IDEALib cgi msvcrt sysconfig
__future__ cgitb multiprocessing tabnanny
_ast chunk netbios tarfile
_bisect cmath netrc telnetlib
_bootlocale cmd nntplib tempfile
_bz2 code nt textwrap
_codecs codecs ntpath this
_codecs_cn codeop ntsecuritycon threading
_codecs_hk collections nturl2path time
_codecs_iso2022 colorsys numbers timeit
_codecs_jp commctrl numpy timer
_codecs_kr compileall odbc tkinter
_codecs_tw concurrent opcode token
_collections configparser openpyxl tokenize
_collections_abc contextlib operator trace
_compat_pickle copy optparse traceback
_compression copyreg os tracemalloc
_csv crypt pandas tty
_ctypes csv parser turtle
_ctypes_test ctypes pathlib turtledemo
_datetime curses pdb types
_decimal cycler perfmon typing
_dummy_thread datetime pickle unicodedata
_elementtree dateutil pickletools unittest
_functools dbi pipes urllib
_hashlib dbm pkg_resources uu
_heapq dde pkgutil uuid
_imp decimal platform venv
_io difflib plistlib warnings
_json dis poplib wave
_locale distutils posixpath weakref
_lsprof doctest pprint webbrowser
_lzma dummy_threading profile win2kras
_markupbase email pstats win32api
_md5 encodings pty win32clipboard
_msi ensurepip py_compile win32com
_multibytecodec enum pyclbr win32con
_multiprocessing errno pydoc win32console
_opcode et_xmlfile pydoc_data win32cred
_operator faulthandler pyexpat win32crypt
_osx_support filecmp pylab win32cryptcon
_overlapped fileinput pyparsing win32event
_pickle fnmatch pythoncom win32evtlog
_pydecimal formatter pytz win32evtlogutil
_pyio fractions pywin win32file
_random ftplib pywin32_testutil win32gui
_sha1 functools pywintypes win32gui_struct
_sha256 gc queue win32help
_sha512 genericpath quopri win32inet
_signal getopt random win32inetcon
_sitebuiltins getpass rasutil win32job
_socket gettext re win32lz
_sqlite3 glob regcheck win32net
_sre gzip regutil win32netcon
_ssl hashlib reprlib win32pdh
_stat heapq rlcompleter win32pdhquery
_string hmac runpy win32pdhutil
_strptime html sched win32pipe
_struct http scipy win32print
_symtable idlelib select win32process
_thread imaplib selectors win32profile
_threading_local imghdr servicemanager win32ras
_tkinter imp setuptools win32rcparser
_tracemalloc importlib shelve win32security
_warnings inspect shlex win32service
_weakref io shutil win32serviceutil
_weakrefset ipaddress signal win32timezone
_win32sysloader isapi site win32trace
_winapi itertools six win32traceutil
_winxptheme jdcal sklearn win32transaction
abc jinja2 smtpd win32ts
adodbapi json smtplib win32ui
afxres keyword sndhdr win32uiole
aifc lib2to3 socket win32verstamp
antigravity linecache socketserver win32wnet
argparse locale sqlite3 winerror
array logging sre_compile winioctlcon
ast lzma sre_constants winnt
asynchat macpath sre_parse winperf
asyncio macurl2path ssl winreg
asyncore mailbox sspi winsound
atexit mailcap sspicon winxpgui
audioop markupsafe stat winxptheme
base64 marshal statistics wsgiref
bdb math string xdrlib
binascii matplotlib stringprep xml
binhex mimetypes struct xmlrpc
bisect mmap subprocess xxsubtype
builtins mmapfile sunau zipapp
bz2 mmsystem symbol zipfile
cProfile modulefinder symtable zipimport
calendar msilib sys zlib
Hi Humphrey,
Hi Humphrey,
As you have found out the Seaborn module is not included in the IDEA Python installation which uses 3.5.3. From your description it sounds like you have created your own python environment which is perfectly understandable for development. Unfortunately the IDEA Python environment doesn't have access to these modules, when you install python you can have multiple installations of python on your computer and they are segregated.
If you wish to use seaborn in your IDEA application you need to have seaborn available directly to the importing script, this will usually mean that you have a copy of the module in the same directory as your calling script as python generally starts looking for modules in the current folder. If you are distributing the script you will have to make sure that you also include the seaborn module in the distribution.
IDEA is relooking at this current structure as it doesn't allow for easy additional modules and such. So this may change in the future.
Thanks Brian, thanks Klmi,
Thanks Brian, thanks Klmi,
I removed all the fancy modules i had on the python script and confirmed it worked on my downgraded version of Python (Version 3.5.3). I executed the same script on Pythonwin, which is the Python that is integrated with IDEA. Despite that the python script worked flawlessly on the Python package that i have installed, i got the error 'unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'' on Pythonwin. There are no mathematical computations on the script and i have been unable to identify what the cause of the issue is. Have you ever experienced this and if you have, how did you resolve it?
I've now tested the issue
I've now tested the issue Humphrey rised with different versions of matplotlib. The following code doesn't work with matplotlib 2.0.0 but with 2.1.0 everything is fine:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame({'STRING':["A", "B", "C"], 'AMOUNT':[25, 40, 30]})
x = df['STRING']
y = df['AMOUNT'], y)
Unfortunately IDEA comes with a rather old version of matplotlib (2.0.0). That version throws an error when string arguments are set as x-values in
Workaround: 1) Use the index of the DataFrame as x-value and 2) mapping strings and index values with "xticks":, y)
plt.xticks(df.index, x)
Finally, one more argument that Caseware should give us the possiblity to manage the python modules.
Since IDEA 11 still isn't
Since IDEA 11 still isn't available in our country I don't know which Python version comes with IDEA 11.3. Please try to find out which modules are installed and run:
Nevertheless your problem sounds like you have installed a seperate Python version on your computer. But when running Python scripts from IDEA the integrated Python version is used. I guess also with IDEA 11.3 that version doesn't support Seaborn module. Unfortunately there's no possibility install additional modules via pip with IDEA's integrated Python version.