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Using displayIt instead of dialog

I'am trying to understand how to work with the function displayIt and the select case Action% and select case ControlId$. But i can't get it working on a simple script, what do i wrong? :
Begin Dialog MainMenu 50,50,150,150,"NewDialog", .NewDialog
  CancelButton 93,109,40,15, "Cancel", .CancelButton1
  OKButton 9,110,40,14, "OK", .OKButton1
  PushButton 66,20,40,14, "Get File", .PushButton1
End Dialog
Option Explicit
Dim Exit_Script As Boolean
Sub Main
Call MainMenu1()
End Sub
Function MainMenu1()
Dim dlg As MainMenu
Dim button As Integer
button = Dialog(dlg)
End Function
Function displayIt(ControlID$, Action%, SuppValue%)
Dim Exit_Function_DisplayIt As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 1
Case 2
Select Case ControlId$
Case "CancelButton1"
MsgBox "Cancel"
Case "OKButton1"
MsgBox "Ok"
MsgBox "Select File"
End Select
End Select
If Exit_Function_DisplayIt Then
displayIt = 0
displayIt = 1
End If
End Function