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Version 11.1 and scheduling

I have a script I need to run automatically on a certain date so I upgraded to version 11.1 in order to use the schedule function...well I currently cannot get Admin rights so the function will not work.  I've got it set up in Windows Task Scheduler but it did not run this morning as set up.  Is there a work around in version 11.1 that will allow me to use the scheduler without admin rights?  Currently working from home so I'm connecting through VPN which may or may not be the reason the Task Scheduler didn't run but that certainly is stopping any progress towards admin rights on my machine.

osaajah Sun, 03/29/2020 - 13:58

Hi dhuffman63,
do you compile the script as EXE file to run it using Windows Task Scheduler?
if yes, IDEA 11.1 has a bug when compiling a script to EXE file and I have confirmed this with Caseware as principal.
The EXE will fail to run with with a message like the picture below.
But there is no problem when the EXE compiled using IDEA 11.0 or lower, and run the EXE in IDEA 11.1.
-[ Firdaus ]-

dhuffman63 Mon, 03/30/2020 - 09:26

The script in the Windows Task Scheduler was done in version 11.0 and runs okay...I upgaraded to 11.1 specifically for the schedule function but it requires admin rights and my company will not allow that.

aayushianand Mon, 06/14/2021 - 08:15

Hi Brian,
I have the admin rights in the system . Please help me with the steps of using IDEA task scheduler to schedule jobs in IDEA