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IDEAScript suggestions


Suggestions for useful IDEAScripts

SimilarPhrase Loop on Array

I need to identify all transactions involving certain companies in a dataset.  Since the names on my company list won't exactly match the names in the transaction dataset, I plan to identify variations using @similarphrase.  I have over 100 companies to search for in the dataset so I am trying to define an array containing the 100 companies and create a loop so that the @similarphrase function is performed on all 100 names.  I would need the output to be a separate column for each company name.  I am fairly new to IDEAScript and am having trouble getting this to wo

Append multiple files from same folder

I had a request from another posting about a script that would append multiple files from the same folder.  I had already created one in the past but it lacked any user input, I have changed that with this one.  So once you run the script you will have a message saying all the idea files should be stored in the same folder under the project directory.  You will then have an input box that will ask you the filename for the new file (don't add the file extension).  The script will then read all the IDEA files in that directory and append them together.

Copy Header Info

This script was requested from a coleague of mine.  It might be useful to anyone that has data files in which the header info is only found on the first database.

The script will copy the header info from one file to another file.  This can be used when importing an excel file in which the data is over several tabs but the header info is only on the first tab.  The script will take the header info from the first and copy it to the second file.

Script for Joost

This is a script that will import a series of excel files and add a virtual field.  The script first asks for the folder in which the excel files are located and then it asks for the name of the worksheet.  The worksheet and format must be the same for each excel file.  Line 116 of the script hold the eqn for the virtual field, it will need to be changed based on the needs of the script.

Payments before due date (accounts payable analysis)

Hi!I am looking to perform an analysis of an accounts payables where I can see any payments of supplier invoices going out before due date. I would like to generate a list showing total amount per credit being paid before due date, preferrably in a month by month format.This analysis would be useful for fraud investigations on for example bankruptcies. Does anyone have this script available or could help me out in any way?Many thanks!