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IDEAScript Questions

Create new field and populate it with data from equation

I'm having a bit o a trouble with a script. I want to builda script that creates a new field and insert data in it based on the data existing in one field.
I have uploaded the script.
Basicaly, I want to create a field called CUI and populate it with data from the field FIRMA using the equation @JustNumbersTrailing(FIRMA) but I keep getting the error "Error on line 18 - Automation object does not have a deault value".
I would appreciate some suggestions.

Date Input

Hello, im trying to create a script that has an input option to select a time frame on a dialog. For example i would like to be able the user to input a date (12/31/18) and then pull all transactions for the 12 month period ending 12/31/18. Or enter 9/30/17 and then the script would run for the previous 12 months.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Boolean and check box

I want to use a check box so that the user can decide of select a option or not. Now when the user starts the second part of the script the result of the menu is send back to the boolean (BenfordsA = MainMenu.BenfordsA). The problem is have is that i want to set the default value of the check box on (true). When i set  MainMenu.BenfordsA=True before the select case it wont be changed when the user starts the second part of the script with this code BenfordsA = MainMenu.BenfordsA.

Unique ID for character fields

Is there a way to create a unique numeric field for several character fields? The reason is the benfords law analysis which tends to mark records as suspicious  based on different criteria (first two digits, last two digits, second order and summation). For the user i want to combine the suspicious results but i want to eleminate double results.  

Fixing Date formatting

I am building quite the long script but I will outline the current issue I am having and paste in the relevant code sections:
I am appending a file with the age of individuals as of the year end.  The year end date is input by the user into a dialog box, once ok is selected, I want a number of functions to run based on various inputs into the dialog box.
I am getting an error saying -Paremeter not date.  I have a number of fields that are dictated by this date, so I am hoping one fix will remove errors in all of the functions. 

selectionner element dans une liste

J'ai développé une application qui utilise des listbox dans une interface graphique. Je n'ai pas de difficulté pour afficher ces listes, ni pour récupèrer l'indice de l'élément sélectionné par l'utilisateur.
Je souhaiterai pouvoir selectionner par macro l'un des éléments de la liste (exemple : sélectionner le quatrième élément de la liste), je n'ai pas trouvé une fontion de type "maliste.SelectItem(4,true).
Existe t'il une fonction qui répond à mon besoin ?
Merci d'avance.

Search number (1st table) in range (2nd table) and give the corresponding value

Please help
I have 2 tables
1st table contains value (e.g. 2, 8, 13, 17, 55, 104,)
2nd table contains 3 columns. 1st Column Start range, 2nd column End range, 3rd Column value)
I want to build a query, where second column will be added in 1st Table.....which will contain criteria and will query the value in 1st table and check the value betwene Start and End range of 2nd table...if the value is between the start and end range...then it will give the corresponding value in 3rd column of 2nd table.
1st Table

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