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IDEAScript Questions

Using displayIt instead of dialog

I'am trying to understand how to work with the function displayIt and the select case Action% and select case ControlId$. But i can't get it working on a simple script, what do i wrong? :
Begin Dialog MainMenu 50,50,150,150,"NewDialog", .NewDialog
  CancelButton 93,109,40,15, "Cancel", .CancelButton1
  OKButton 9,110,40,14, "OK", .OKButton1
  PushButton 66,20,40,14, "Get File", .PushButton1
End Dialog
Option Explicit
Dim Exit_Script As Boolean

task.ValueType set from dialog

In some functions of IDEA some tasks are set with TRUE of FALSE and one (task.ValueType is set as  POSITIVE_VALUES or NEGATIVE_VALUES). I would like to set this in the script based on the input of the user. I got a button with both variants from which the user needs to select one. But i can't get it working. What sort of code do i need to use?

Looping a macro

A little background: I worked monthly with 24 individual files which I ultimately append together in IDEA but when I import all of them they don't always import with the consistent field types (e.g. character, numeric, etc.). Therefore I end up having to go into each of the files and update accordingly so I can then append them all. 

Can DropListBox could automated tagged ?

Hi Brian,
If my dialog have 6 droplistbox call DropListBox1 to DropListBox6, and those droplistbox all used same attached list array.
Have any possible, I add a button call "Auto Mapping", and pre-defind if DropListBox1 = SO_NUM, DropListBox2 = SO_LINE_NUM, DropListBox3 = SO_CUSTOMER, DropListBox4 = SO_ITEM, DropListBox5 = SO_UNIT_PRICE, DropListBox6 = SO_QTY, when I click the AuotMapping button the system can automated tagged as picture 2 ?

Calculate the difference of days between 2 dates?

Is it possible to make a script that calculates the difference of days between 2 dates and add this difference in a new field ?
Sales              Payment      DATEDIF
05/05/2018 07/05/2018    2 
I know that on Excel the function is datedif (french translate function).
However, I do not find an equivalent function on IDEA 10.Thank you

Get long record value

you know if there is any way to get a value from a field that is numeric, but it is very large and you have to bring it as long.
For Example exist types of Get Value

  • ActiveRecord.GetCharValue
  • ActiveRecord.GetNumValue

But ActiveRecord.GetLongValue don't exists
My Code:
MontosValor = RS.ActiveRecord.GetCharValue("MANUALESMONTO"))
Help, Thanks

Extracting blank records in a file

Hi all
I have built a script that extracts blank records from each field in a file. It is running without any error but it is not creating the extracted database.
The script is as below. Please help, thanks.
Sub Main
'Variable declarations
'Database objects needed from active DB
Dim NumFields        As Integer
Dim olddb    As Object
Dim task    As Object

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