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Questions on IDEA Analysis

String manipulation

Hi All,
Need some help with string manipulation.
Here is my original array definition:
        UserChoice(0)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox1) 'Ref
        UserChoice(1)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox2) 'Value
UserChoice(2)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox3) 'Dr
       UserChoice(3)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox4) 'Cr
       UserChoice(4)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox5) 'Date
UserChoice(5)= ListOfColumns(dlg.DropListBox6) 'Prepared ID

Duplicate Journal Entries

Hi IDEA Folks,
I am new to IDEA and data analytics. I have a question on detection of Duplicate Journal Entries.
I was thinking to use the date of entry (date), account (chr), cost centre (chr) and amount (num) as the fields to determine a duplicate journal entry. Not sure if this is the correct method.
Was thinking to append a new virtual chr column with the expression
date_entry + account + cost_centre + amount

Create a new field

Please I want to create a new field containing just the digits after the word "MT". Notice that some of the numbers are displayed in a range. How can I use IDEA to fill in the gap by specificaly identifying all the numbers within the ranges. It would probably require creating a new field for each number in that range. Your help is most appreciated.
PRODUCTION OF 467890  ABC TO180000 XYZ MT:867897-7900
PRODUCTION OF 3398732 ABC TO  45000 XYZ MT 889926

Question: Extracting

I am trying to extract records that have a gap in a time series. I have twelve months worth of data that includes a unique identifier and a month field. The typical unique identifier will have 12 records--one for each of the twelve months. Some unique identifiers have fewer than 12 records because there is not a record for one or more of the months. Also, a few of the records have duplicates for one or more of the months. What I want to do is extract all records for unique identifiers that do not have a record for all 12 months. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to do this?

How to select data for the most recent two date entries

Hi, I have a dataset that has multiple entries for a particular customer, ordered by date. I'm trying to return all data for each customer based on the last two date entries - doing it for the last and first dates is easy enough, but I'm struggling on the last two date entries. Any suggestions at all are very welcome! Otherwise I'll end up having to run the whole thing in sequel, which I'd rather not do..

Equation Not Working

Hi - 
I am new here and very new to the IDEA software.  I've been able to use it to some success with the help of online training modules, but I am running into an issue that I cannot resolve.
I have a database with 41,658 records, and I am using a field I've named "Loan_Code" as the main sort criterion.  I am all the records that:

Extraction Question

I have a joined database which was created to see if Vendor names matched employee names. As a result I have a column with the agency number (that paid the vendor) and another column with agency number (that the employee works for). I'm trying to obtain a data set that displays agency numbers that match each other on the same row. Is this possible?

Extracting based off of a portion of the field

I did some searching on here and could not find what I'm looking for. I have a bank account which has two different debit cards associated with it. On the bank statement, the description of the purchase will look similar to "Walmart Toledo, OH 1234" with 1234 being the last four of the debit card. This desctiption column was imported as "Character". I'm trying to extract all transactions which contain 1234 in the description column. How do I accomplish this? Thanks