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Questions on IDEA Analysis

Set Y axis values of chart

I have an issue with chart. 
I have set a summarized column (No of records) as Y axis value for the chart.
Y axis value is shown with decimal places. Is there any way to specify number of decimal places in the Y axis. As shown in the picture, it is showing like 0.10, 0.20, 0.30,...1.00. 
I think this is showing when value is very small.
Please advice if there is any way to change this behaviour from script. 

Show chart by default

I have an idea script with the following steps
1. Create a chart based on a database, say db1.
2. Execute extraction on another database, say db2.
3. Open chart of db1
4. Open extracted database from step2.
Problem I am facing is that, the chart generated is not showing up while opening db1. It is showing data instead of chart. Is there any way to show chart by default?
I am using Client.OpenDatabase(db1) to show graph.

Adding custom rows on summarization

I am summarizing a file based on a column 'Category'.
Categories will be A, B, C, D, etc
So summary file will have records like given below.
Category    No of records
A                     10
B                     20
C                     15
My requirement is this:

Comparing Two Datasets

Hi All,
Hopefully this is the right area for my question..
I've got two datasets in IDEA; Employee sickness which details employee name and the date range they were on sick leave and purschasing card transactions which details the name and purchase date (obvisouly amongst a lot of other info).
I want to compare the two to show transactions where the employee was on sick leave.  I know I will need to match on name and probably use @betweendate to find the transactions made between the sick dates.

How to display the Username of the idea user?

Hi Brian,
Hope you are doing good!
I'm trying to export an IMD file to Excel and trying to format the Excel via IDEA.
I want to display User name, Date and input /output file name in the excel file.
I figured out ways to display current date, input and output files names but, unable to find a way to display the username.
When we open History tab we see database, date and username displayed.
Ther must be some way to display the username. If someone know it, please let me know.

Time series and forecasting

I am writing my dissertation and part of the methods involves forecasting (oil price). Is it possible to get information on the method that IDEA uses to come up with the forecasts? Does it use mean reversion, geometric brownian motion or something else? I will be glad to receive a detailed answer to that effect.

IDEA (v 8.0) SmartAnalyzer - unable to define key tags

Hi, in version 8, I am trying to run SmartAnalyzer for General Ledger on a GL database.  I choose certain extractions and go to define tags and whenever I click on Field Name (where it says “<No Field>”) nothing happens.  See screenshot attached. Can you please help?  Thanks.

Values from @GetNext

Hi Brain,
I want to extract records that satisfies my equation which has @getnext function, looks like when I perform a direct extraction I uanble to becoz of the behaviour of@ getnext funtn.
Eg. I am trying to extract invoices across records that are within 2days timeframe. I sorted my db with INV date then I created a field called check with eqn = @if(@age(@GetNextValue("INVOICE_DATE"),INVOICE_DATE) <=2,1,0)
Invoice date    Check
1/31/2006         1

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