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Questons on exporting

Exporting to PDF

I try to automatize with IDEA script the extraction to PDF. I put into script the following source:
                db.FilenameForPublishing = "XX.pdf"
But when I run the script, IDEA show me a dialog to confirm the customize of data "Not all columns will fit the report, follow? Accept or deny"
My doubt is it possible to automatize throw script the answer of this dialog.
Thanks so much,

Macro - export - defaults to "Range"

Hi - this is my first time writing and I am new to this site, so forgive me if this has been talked about! I record macros in IDEA and am getting stuck with the Export function. It defaults to "Records to Select - Range" - even when I select "All" when recording the macro. When I run the macro the next day, it resets back to "Range", so then the export file might be missing some records, if the file is larger than the previous day. Does anyone know how to make the macro consistent and always export "ALL" records? Attached is a picture of what happens each time I try to run the macro - it keeps defaulting to "Range". Any tips would be great - thank you!

Exporting summarized data from IDEA into excel

Hi ThereI am looking for some assistance in writing a IDEAscript that will allow me to extract summarized data from IDEA into excel and with this extraction I would like to keep the hyperlinks in excel, so that if I click a specific piece of data I would be able to see all that data in excel.Thank you in advance.RegardsAveen