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Questons on exporting

Exporting large number of records to several sheets in one excel file

Hi All,

I have a large number of transactions (around 5 million) and would like to export them to an Excel file. Since Excel has a limitation of nearly 1 million records per sheet, I need to export the records in chunks of 1 million into separate sheets manually.

Do any of you have a script that can save all the transactions into several sheets within the same Excel file, breaking the transactions into 1 million per sheet?

I look forward to your support.



Good morning!
As in the message that can be seen below I would like to know more about connecting BI to my created works in IDEA.
Obs: currently all the files I extract from IDEA give error when trying to load in BI.Some files get an error that is impossible to load, others don't, the inconsistency is frustrating.

Format Excel File

I have some code that exports a database to an Excel file and I was wondering how I could go about formatting the excel file.  I am looking to make the top row bold and filterable and then auto fitting the columns.  I have tried looking for examples but I guess I'm looking in the wrong places.
Heres what I have for my export.  Thanks!
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase(CYPYsmzn)
Set task = db.ExportDatabase

Error while exporting to excel.

I am trying to run a macro in which I export an .IMD to an excel. Th epoint is that I am overwritting the same excel. I mean, I export the same excel for several times, with the same name. But sometimes I get the following error:
The .excel is beeing used or is just a reading file or  another thing I can`t remember now.
Do you know why sometimes the code throw me this error but not always? like it depends on the luck I have that I get the error or I don`t.

Exporting Excel Files with DateStamp

Hi can anyone help to guide me to modify the below export script so that i can export my excel with the datestamp everytime i run it? Thank you!
if I run it today, the output file will be 18. Duplicate Payment Month 280420.xlsx
if i run it tomorrow it will be 18. Duplicate Payment Month 290420.xlsx

exporting to json

Hi Brian, 
do you know if it is possible to export data from IDEA to the json format?
I would like to export the data within our script and import it to PowerBI.
I havent found anything in the menus or the internet - so I've planned it to export to a delimited utf8 file as workaround.
Thx in Advance :)